Breast Biopsy

Women's Imaging

what are biopsies?

Cancers are an overgrowth of cells and tissue that starts in one organ e.g. the breast, and then spreads (metastasizes) to other parts of the body where it usually leads to death. There are many different types of breast cancers and they don’t necessarily behave in the same way or respond to the same treatments. These days, a diagnosed cancer is studied in great detail so that the treatments are tailored to best destroy that particular cancer.

Women's Imaging


Breast cancers are all different on a cellular and molecular level

Detailed pathology and biochemistry tests

Individualised treatments targeted at particular type

Cancers < 2cm have a 5 year survival of 90% 10 year survival of 80%

Cancers > 2cm have a 5 year survival of 70%

Modern cancer treatments have been proven to work

Ultrasound Probe + Lignocaine (local anaesthetic) + Spring loaded biopsy gun



Prioritizing your health, particularly when it comes to breast care. Given the recommendations for regular mammograms for women, it's a good idea to plan your next one.

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    Done under ultrasound or mammographic guidance and with local anesthesia. A number of small samples are extracted with a biopsy needle and sent to the pathologist for microscopy and other special tests to determine whether the lump is a cancer and if so, what type. This will ultimately determine treatment
