
We are the only unit in SA to have been awarded the breast centre of excellence accreditation by the ACR. This is recognition of our dedication to excellence and our commitment to providing our patients with world class breast imaging.


Breast Imaging & Procedures

At MAMI, we use the most advanced 3D mammogram machines and ultra-high resolution ultrasound machines in order to detect and diagnose breast cancer. Our team of highly experienced mammographers and radiologists are dedicated to helping patients identify breast problems early and navigate their way through the breast cancer journey. 

Our unit is part of a multidisciplinary breast cancer team. The team is made up by Breast Surgeons, Reconstructive Surgeons, Oncologists, Pathologists and Radiologists. This means that a patient diagnosed with cancer at our department, will be referred directly to the MDT doctors who will evaluate the case and recommend treatment. During treatment, we assist with staging, localization, monitoring chemotherapy and follow up.

While recommendations differ on when women should start getting screened for breast cancer,


a new study suggests women in their 40s may benefit from annual mammograms.

There have been numerous studies of the benefits of mammography as a screening test. The consensus on findings is that annual mammography from the age of 40 saves the most lives. Annual mammograms allow us to detect cancers at the earliest stage. Although the peak age for breast cancer is 55 – 60, we are seeing an increasing trend of breast cancers in younger women. When a younger person gets a breast cancer, they are more likely to have an aggressive cancer that grows faster. By starting at age 40, we aim to catch the most cancers in the at-risk group as possible.

Regular mammograms allow us to compare images from year to year and detect the most subtle of changes in breast tissue that may indicate an early cancer.



Modern 3-D mammogram machines deliver a very low dose of radiation which is considered safe, even with annual mammograms. The breast is compressed for the mammogram, but far less than on the older machines. As a result, the compression won’t damage breast tissue or prostheses.



Modern mammograms are pain free. 3D mammography uses tomosynthesis to obtain a detailed scan of the breast with minimal compression. It is also extremely fast meaning any discomfort is brief.



Even if you're on a basic hospital plan, most medical aids pay for mammograms from screening benefits, not medical savings. Call us with your medical aid number and we'll confirm your cover or give you a price for cash payments.



Early detection saves lives. Mammograms are able to detect breast issues early, to give you the best options to ensure your breasts remain healthy and cancer free.


Extensive research over decades has proven that mammograms save lives. Annual mammograms allow us to detect breast cancers at the earliest possible stage.

Annual mammograms allow us to detect breast cancers at the earliest possible stage.

Unfortunately, some aggressive cancers can exponentially enlarge in even a year which is why we need to do the test every year. In the old days, many breast cancers were only diagnosed when a patient presented with a large tumour which had already metastasized throughout her body. Most of these patients died within months to a year. These days, the majority of breast cancers are found when they are less than 2cm in size. (largely due to mammograms and ultrasound.) The prognosis for those patients is 90% survival at 5 years.

No. Mammograms do NOT cause thyroid cancer. The radiation from a mammogram is extremely low and insignificant dosages reach the thyroid gland. We certainly do not see increased rates of thyroid cancer in women who have had many mammograms. Although there is an increase in thyroid cancer numbers this is for men too (who are not receiving mammograms!)

A thyroid shield is unnecessary and may effect the quality of the mammogram

Every year. This means that cancers will be detected at an earlier stage than if mammogram is done only every 2nd or 3rd year. The smaller/less advanced the cancer the easier to treat and better chance of survival. Most breast cancers develop from microscopic individual cells into mammogram detectable lumps in 18 – 24 months. Mammogram intervals longer than a year are therefore not optimal.

Mammograms, like all x-rays do transmit radiation and theoretically, this radiation in large enough doses could cause cancer. However, there has never been any proof that patients receiving x-rays or mammograms have developed cancers from the radiation. The radiation dose from a mammogram is miniscule(less than the radiation you are exposed to living in Johannesburg for one year).

The theoretical likelihood of getting a breast cancer from mammograms is 1 in 70,000. Your chance of getting a breast cancer during your lifetime (with or without mammograms) is 1 in 8. Clearly the benefits of early detection of such a common and treatable cancer outweigh the remote theoretical risks!

There is also a bizarre theory that the compression of the breasts during a mammogram will create a cancer or cause a cancer to disseminate. This concept is without any scientific reasoning

40. Although breast cancer incidence peaks in the 50s, breast cancer in younger patients is generally faster growing and potentially more devastating. Hence the need to begin at age 40. High risk patients often start earlier.

Almost all medical aids will pay for a mammogram out of a screening benefit. Some medical aids pay for an annual mammogram and some only pay every second year.

The cash price for a mammogram ….

It is extremely important for women over the age of 40 to have regular mammograms. If the mobile mammogram service is your only opportunity, then by all means, have your mammogram with them.

There are, however, many reasons that having your mammogram in a dedicated specialist department is better than in a mobile unit;

Most mobile units use the older 2D mammogram machines. This is significantly inferior to the new 3D Tomo machines in terms of cancer detection.

Having your mammogram in the same department every year allows the radiologist to compare old and new images. This is very important when it comes to detecting early cancer changes.

Breast Ultrasound – in most specialist departments an ultrasound is done with every mammogram. Mammograms cannot pick up every cancer. In fact they pick up only ±70% of cancers at best. In women who have dense breast tissue – ±50% of the population – mammograms are even less effective, picking up only 30 – 40% of cancers. To compensate for this, we do ultrasound exams of the breasts on every patient. The combined tests can pick up 80 – 90% of cancers! The ultrasounds are performed immediately after the doctor has assessed your mammogram.

Personal interaction with a specialist breast radiologist. Your questions and concerns are addressed face-to-face by a medical specialist with many years of experience in breast cancer detection. Any abnormalities on your mammogram or ultrasound are discussed straight away. No delay getting results!

Procedures that need to be done eg biopsies (sampling of breast lumps to tell if they are cancerous) and cyst aspirations are done in the same department by the same doctor who has done your mammogram and ultrasound.
If further tests such as a breast MRI is needed (certain difficult cases), they are referred within the unit and again, interpreted by the very same breast radiologists.

If cancers are found, you are already in the system. The radiologists are part of a highly experienced multidisciplinary breast cancer team – breast surgeons, oncologists, pathologist and plastic surgeons. Your case goes immediately through to this team who ensure that you receive the very best level of care available.

No extra cost!! The addition of a 3D mammogram, sonar and specialist doctor consultation are all included in the same tariff.(medical aid rates apply). It costs the same as a mobile mammogram that lacks all of the above ..

There is no cut-off age for mammograms. As people are living longer and are healthier at older ages, we are seeing many cancers in patients older than 70. The cancers can usually be successfully treated at any age.

A tomosynthesis mammogram or 3D mammogram is obtained with a special mammogram machine that takes multiple images while moving in an arc around the breast. The resulting compilation of images can be viewed in 3D allowing us to see right through the breast. It makes cancers easier to see and benign lesions more obvious.

Breast augmentation does not increase or decrease your chances of getting a breast cancer. Your risk remains the same. You must have a mammogram prior to getting surgery (or an ultrasound in patients younger than 35) since it would be very unfortunate to be diagnosed immediately after having the surgery. Thereafter annual mammograms are advised like for everyone else.

Breast Implants – white oval shapes

The mammogram, although it does compress the breast a bit, will NOT burst or displace the implant. And the implant will not prevent us from seeing a cancer on mammogram or ultrasound.


Pregnancy is the only condition in which a woman over the age of 35, is advised not to have a mammogram

The decision taken to only pay every second year is a financial one, not a medical decision. There is substantial evidence from many years of breast cancer assessment and mammography application, showing unequivocally that yearly screening saves lives. As radiologists we see many cases of breast cancers growing in less than a year. ANNUAL SCREENING SAVES LIVES!


Although it is appealing to avoid the squashed breasts and theoretical radiation risks of a mammogram by having only an ultrasound instead, breast ultrasound cannot replace mammograms for cancer screening. Mammograms give us ultra-high resolution pictures of the entire breast. It shows up microcalcifications and subtle architectural distortion, that often are not visible on ultrasound. These features may be the only sign of an early cancer. Mammograms are always compared to previous year’s mammograms and slight changes can also be a sign of early cancer formation. It’s not practical to do the same comparisons with ultrasound. Almost all the studies that show that regular screening saves lives, have been done with mammograms.

In younger patients, we do prefer to do only ultrasounds, but patients over 35 should always have a mammogram.

Mammograms are the gold standard for breast imaging and the only test proven to save lives. However, in patients younger than 35 and in pregnant patients, an ultrasound is done without the mammogram.

In most practices, all mammogram patients will have an ultrasound immediately after the mammogram as we believe that combining the tests increases our accuracy.

Sometimes we do a six month follow up using only ultrasound especially if the area of concern was best seen on ultrasound in the first place.

Yes. Although males can get breast cancer, it is very rare. Some males who carry the BRCA gene mutation, may need regular screening but this is only a small minority.